pete mitchell
@daspetey · 1:00

New to Swell

Hi. My name is Pete. I am a artist and a musician, and I seem to be joining a lot of new apps these days. And I don't know why because I don't really like having a lot of things to manage. I already felt like managing an Instagram, a Facebook, a Twitter and a TikTok was too much for my tiny brain. And now I've added Clapper and Swell to it. I'm not really sure what Swell is fully about

#musician #artist

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:50
Hey, Pete. Welcome to swell. I totally hear you on being overwhelmed with, like, the amount of apps that one has to manage these days, but I was getting kind of frustrated with the big three Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and I kind of like there's something about Swell that feels very real and, like, actually connecting to people. I think it's the voice element to it. But, yeah, I mean, there's some people who play music on here
