Charlie Floyd
@damonnomad · 1:20

Olympic Boycott or Hypocrisy

I consider human rights abuse, environmental racism, mass shootings, school shootings, refusing to do anything about this phenomenon that we've had going on two decades now. At least if you want to measure that from Columbine, I want to hear what you all's opinion are regarding if the United States is hypocritical in this regard

#olympics #china #unitedstates #diplomacy #boycott #humanrights #sports #protest

Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:48
Charlie, good morning. How's it going? Thank you for this post. I have to say, I don't really know a lot about this story yet. I'll have to do a little bit of independent reading on my own. The one thing that really stands out to me about the headline that you posted here, White House announces diplomatic Olympic boycott athletes will still compete. That sounds like a cop out and posturing
Charlie Floyd
@damonnomad · 3:39
And to me, there's an irony in the United States highlighting abuses against a Muslim ethnic group, mainly that the country during the Bush administration and well into the Obama administration and not only went on a war campaign that was laden with character assassination of the Muslim community before the world
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

phil spade
@Phil · 3:54

Would diplomats even have gone anyway? If so, why?

I do want to take this time to kind of mention that the WTA, the Women's Tennis Association, really showed support with the Chinese tennis player Ping Shui Ping Xui had sexual assault allegations against a Chinese diplomat and was pretty much silent, disappeared for a while. I don't know if she's actually she's back. I think at least two weeks there was no sign of her, and the WTA announced an immediate suspension of all tournaments in China, and that was really championed by players
Charlie Floyd
@damonnomad · 2:35
In response to this earlier swell that I posted this morning, I'm reading an article on a website called Al Monitor that says Iran threatened sanctions against the US over treatment of black Americans. This is essentially why the original swell that I posted is what it is. We currently live in a global, at least social media economy in which the Internet has allowed us access to more parts of the world and even academically. As people write books about the history of America, those books get translated into different languages
phil spade
@Phil · 1:39
He's absolutely got a point. And we almost become hypocritical to our own selves just because we are so divisive in Washington, we really don't seem to have any kind of bipartisanship to come together to come to agreement, to provide a United front to the rest of the world. And that's going to come back to be used against us. And I think it is. And it's kind of scary that Iran is actually pointing that out. But I hope it's not the beginning of something
