Carey Braidt
@countryswell · 4:56

Religion is a Smile on a dog: where do you find your faith unexpectedly!

So I can't wait to hear back from some of you on how and where you find those faithful spiritual moments unexpectedly in your day. Smile from a stranger, a babbling brook, a sunflower leaning and almost directing itself directly at you in your path. Maybe it's something like that, maybe it's something totally different. I look forward to hearing back from you in your voices where you find those unexpected moments of faith and spirituality and connection to the higher power that you believe in

#faith #spirituality #innerpeace #findingpeace #nature #inspiration #dogs #smileonadog #religion #whereisgod

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 3:10
All these things warm me on the inside just as much as the outside in some cases. And they remind you how beautiful life is in every single moment. I don't believe that life is only good some of the time. I think there's miracles happening every second of every day, in every way and every place. And it's almost like visiting a river. We only need to just go and swim in its banks for a little bit
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 3:04

@dobbsty @countryswell

But the last ten years after my dad passed, I look at her life as a symbol of absolute resurrection, being able to become a person she never had been, being braver, living alone, finding positivity during COVID in a time that no one else did. She was very resilient during that time, very at peace and very driven by her own faith. But she's a good reflection of what's possible in terms of transformation, of being inside faith to live her life more calmly
Ray Renati
@RayRenati · 1:43
Hi, Kerry. I really enjoyed your post here. I don't think I've ever spoken with you. I I was on Twitter a long time ago, and I just came back on here, and I really am liking what I see. I was out walking my dog right now as I was listening to this, and my dog is 14, and she is missing an eye, and she doesn't hear very well, and her good eye doesn't work all that well
Zara Lisbon
@ZLisbon · 3:11
His eyes are this amber color that are really beautiful, and he gallops. And seeing my dogs run in nature reminds me of a higher power. But my other dog who does smile, he has this big goofy smile and it is truly beautiful. It's one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen
Carey Braidt
@countryswell · 2:53


And I have three dogs right now, and our oldest dog, she's losing her hearing, and often she barks for me in a doorway to get my attention, but I will be coming in the room the opposite way, and I'll have to tap her on her shoulder to make her realize that I'm behind her, not in the room she thinks I'm in. And the look on her face is like, oh, you're over there. And it is just the funniest thing
Carey Braidt
@countryswell · 4:18


And it is a blessing to me every day that I live here in this beautiful place with these beautiful sounds and wonderful people as well. And I'm so glad that I get the opportunity ready to have other wonderful people in my life through this platform. Thank you so much for your response and I can't wait to hear back from you again
Carey Braidt
@countryswell · 3:24


And we both just kind of nodded our heads in agreement as we listen to you kind of say how dogs are probably so much more advanced than us. And it is true. They live in this happy glee and they're so forgiving to our human error and so loyal and so loving, and they are absolutely an advanced being, and that just sat well with us. And we were just really enjoying listening to your description of your dog and his happiness and a 14 year old dog
Carey Braidt
@countryswell · 2:29


So, yes, our parents and our elders have much to show us about their trust in faith and living a graceful life that God would be proud of even in our less than graceful moments. Thank you so much for that. And I hope you continue to see see your mom's faith grow in her and in yourself for many healthy years to come. Thank you. Bye
@WarPig73 · 4:43
And obviously, all the sacrifice my wife has put up with over the years I want to be all there for her time. Maybe that's why fear death. But anyway but it's not fear fear. It's is my fear that's when I find God the most, I go to him first. Anyway, I'm rambler. I hope you have a great day. Stay blessed, stay savage. Protect your joy and peace at all costs. And don't let anybody change your thermostat
Lydia Anderson
@Smiley_Lydia250 · 2:02
It's not like, oh, I wanted you to be happy, but you're going through this trial oops. It is instead an indication of God's love and trust in us and a way to shape us into the people that he needs us to become. It's often in the darkest moments when I need to rely on a higher power the most, because what I'm going through is so hard, so beyond my natural capabilities, that I need to rely on God
Carey Braidt
@countryswell · 4:34


So thank you for your gratitude and your just eye opening reminder of all the blessings in the beautiful things of our children and even in the struggles and trials that we all have. Thank you so much much
