Jill K
@CountryBeetle · 0:30

#RainbowStory | My coming-out story...

Here's a story about a time when a friend came out to me. We were out at a cafe and having a really nice time. This was in June of last year, which is also Pride month. At the table adjacent to us was a group of people who had returned from the Pride march. We were talking about some of our other plans to hang out, and she asked me if I would like to attend the march the next year

#ssprbsp2n #TellYourStory @iolite https://s.swell.life/O1UClGktl5c0f2Z #lgbtq #india

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 0:40


Hey, that's such a beautiful coming out story, and also a beautiful bonding story between friends, I think because your friend believed that you are a safe space to whom your friend can come out. So that's really, really sweet and really nice. Since you're new here, I'm going to attach the link to the swell questionnaire page, which basically consists of some fun, easy prompts with which you can kick start your swell casting journey
