cosette tsai
@cosette · 3:02

Struggling with body positivity

So something I want to come and talk about today is probably badny positivity. I have not been doing very well with that. This past couple of weeks I started working so don't have time to go to the gym. So backstory. I think as a kid I was always just put in sports. I was like in shape or what people would think in shape meant. And when I started doing gymnastics, people would be like, oh, my goodness, you're so strong

#selfcsre #bodypositivity

Jared Bogda
@JCB07 · 0:47
So I do appreciate you posting it, because I know that February March comes around and everyone's kind of maybe falling off their track a little bit. And I think it's hard to get motivation. So I think if we can motivate each other, we can get to that place where we want to be. But then what is that places, and who should tell us what that needs to be
