Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 4:52

Service(s) Rendered!!

You don't have to worry about a lot of the worldly things in regards to money, assets, any of those things. So again, service is rendered. And as always say, give me your thoughts and stay blessed and keep inspiring

Pay, Paid, or No Pay

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:39
Hey, I love this. I love this because you were speaking kingdom. I love this. And you are right. The scripture tells us to store up treasures in heaven that can't be corrupted. That can't be destroyed. And we should store up treasures in heaven and keep ourselves heavenly minded because we are in this world. We're not of this world. And so we exist in this world. But as the Bible says, we are pilgrims in this world. We're passing through
Al Cosby
@Cosbyal4165 · 2:47


So again, we definitely have to work more on our belief, we have to work on our trust and more so we have to work on our faith. And at the end of the day, like I said, not even the end of the day, but the beginning and the middle of the day, the only thing we want God to say when it's all over, that we want our name to be in the book of life and not the other book
