Heather Rodman
@ColorEnergy · 9:55

My story

And when I went home to go to bed and sleep, when I woke up, I dreamt color therapy. And I was like, that was part of my course that I had done years prior in a diploma I took back in 1996 in alternative medicine. As when I first started my career, I was an outside sales rep, nutraceutical sales rep to the vitamin health food stores. And so I was just thrilled and I just felt so right

# mystory #enlightenment #consciousness

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:27

#healing #love #happy

I've had medium interactions and talks with different mediums and different magical beings who have gifts that I don't have, that I don't actively practice having, I should say. But it's great to be able to lean on to them and for those lessons and guidance
