Shawn L. Brown
@coachshawny · 5:00

Life Unscripted Day 1-Lessons From The Journey

That's the hardest thing to do, I find anyway, is to 110% be authentically me, not impressing one group, not impressing this person, but completely me. And the only way that I have found that that is possible is to follow Jesus. Now, before you say anything about, well, I don't know, I'm not a religious person. Listen, that's how I have best found to be authentically me

#coachshawny #lftjunscripted #shawnyvale #shawnyb #uniteandchange24 #breakthrough24 #beyouslb

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:03
And I'm going to keep an eye. And I think I've responded to a couple of the other soils in the past. Not too long, but it's cool to hear a little bit more about what you're doing and how long you've been here. I had no idea. Really cool. Good to meet
Shawn L. Brown
@coachshawny · 2:11


If they come into this space, they know exactly my mission, my motives, my methods, and my metrics. So thank you so much. I truly appreciate you, and I'm going to go check you out so that we get to know each other. I'd love to know more about what you do. Maybe there's a collab. That's possible. I'm working with a lot of businesses that need to start communities. I mean, really do
