Joe Drake
@CoachJoeDrake · 4:55

Look the Part - Ditch the Sweatpants

Now, inside the courses that we teach with the Axiom Academy, we talk a lot about the fact that it's great that you as coaches, personal trainers, that there are different bodies, different types for different goals, sets of different clients. There's no doubt that if every personal trainer looked like they were going to walk on stage with like six, 7% body fat, I mean, let's be honest, how many people would be too intimidated to work with those coaches and trainers?

Not getting more clients? Might want to think about this #personaltrainer #getclients

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:21
Hey, this is great. First time senior here, I believe. And I'm not a personal trainer so let me leave with that. I do work out regularly and I see a lot of personal trainers in the gym. However, it's cool to see the inner workings of the mind of a trainer
phil spade
@Phil · 2:13


Hey, Coach. I'm going to be sharing this with some of my personal training friends. I live in Lifetime Fitness country. I live in the headquarters of Lifetime Fitness. So I know quite a bit of personal trainers. I have used quite a bit of personal trainers here. I'm lucky enough to have friends that are personal trainers that can guide me into the right choice for me
Vimal Kumar
@vimal_3090 · 0:01
Something about the market
