Jeannette Garcia
@coachJeannette1 · 1:49

#MyProfile | Jeannette Garcia

Hello, hello. Hello. My name is Jeannette, and I'm so happy you're here. I'm honored, actually. I also wanted to thank you for showing up for yourself and for listening, for being curious and for you showing up and just being open to whatever may happen. I want to tell you a little bit about myself. I am a nurse, and I'm also a life coach


Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:35

#coach #lifecoach #wellness

Hey, welcome to swell. I yeah. I like that you're combining, you know, life coach life lessons with talking about your own experience. I feel like it's it's a lot more I feel much more connected when we're we're speaking less vaguely, and then, you know, there's there's personal experiences involved. It's it's great. And you'll find a lot of that on Swell, which is lovely
