Chinmaya Mishra
@cm_dset10x · 4:57

If I could be instantly teleported, I would visit...

If I could be teleported somewhere, I want to be teleported to the world where it is device free. It is helping me to be a real human being, connecting with friends, family, other fellow human beings and realizing the present moment I am in, realizing the trees around me, the air, my breathing and heart to heart, connecting with people, animals and basically all the flora around me

#TheSwellQuestionnaire #spptsqp6 #TellYourStory #TravelStory

Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 0:24
If I could be teleported instantly, I would travel the world, you know, go to all the beautiful places out there and just get the best experience possible. That would be my dream fulfillment or wish fulfillment
