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Manalika Das
@Manalika · 2:00

Conversation with Dr. Amena Sadiya; author of Lifestyle Prescription for Diabetes and Prediabetes: 5C Lifestyle Program.

This book provides an indepth and comprehensive guide on how to prevent, manage and potentially reverse diabetes, drawing on scientific evidence and years of clinical practice. In this book you will learn about the five C lifestyle program which integrates all evidence pieces into five basic components promoting sustainable lifestyle changes. Dr. Mina Sadia's dedication to advancing knowledge is evident in her portfolio of over 20 scientific publications, each of which adds valuable insights to the realm of nutrition and health

#interview #qanda #nutrition #healthandwellbeing #AuthorInterview #Indiaspotlight

Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:43

In conversation with Dr. Amena Sadiya @Dr.Sadiya #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight

So let's not waste any more time. So now I would like to welcome Dr. Amina Satya. Good morning, ma'am. How are you? I really hope that you are doing well, just like your book. And I cannot wait to have a conversation with
Amena Sadiya
@Dr.Sadiya · 0:21


You. Thank you so much Manalika for having me on your podcast and I am really excited to discuss about my book. This is my first book and my sincere effort to give the best of knowledge which I have achieved in the last 1820 years. So I'm looking forward for having a wonderful conversation with
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:24

Q 1. In conversation with Dr. Amena Sadiya @Dr.Sadiya

Okay, Dr. Sadia. So my first question for you would be, as mentioned in the title, your book focuses on lifestyle prescription for diabetes and pre diabetes. So what inclined you to write about this particular topic, as there are a lot of topics out there regarding health, diseases, fitness and whatnot. But you chose this topic, so I want to know, why did you choose this topic?
Amena Sadiya
@Dr.Sadiya · 3:55


Thank you so much, Manalika, for having me on your podcast. And let's start with a very, very interesting question. As you have asked me that, what made me think about choosing this specific topic? Well, the reason, before I give you the reason, I would like to give you a little perspective about this disease called diabetes. Diabetes is a chronic disease and it has been increasing rapidly all over the world. World. And the statistics say that one in six people have diabetes
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 1:04

Q 2. In conversation with Dr. Amena Sadiya. #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight @Dr.Sadiya

Thank you so much, Dr. Sadiya, for talking about this particular issue. And I got to know that diabetes and prediabetes is going to become such a big issue in the future if we don't think about it in the present. Right. Plus the fact that, you know, we all search in the Internet when we get a problem. So if I break my knee or if I fall down or I want to get a solution, I'll just search it up on the Internet
Amena Sadiya
@Dr.Sadiya · 4:49


It takes about five to ten years to manifest. So what causes diabetes? Diabetes is caused by two causes, one which is in our control and one which is not in our control. So the not in our control is like your genetics or your ethnicity, but there are a lot of factors which are in your control, which is the diet, the exercises, the stress management, the sleep, the substance abuse. These are different causes
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 0:41

Q 3. In conversation with Dr. Amena Sadiya. #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight @Dr.Sadiya

So diet has become a staple word for almost everyone. So beyond diet, does your book delve into the role of behavioral and lifestyle factors in managing diabetes and prediabetes? If so, what aspects are highlighted in that? I would love to know
Amena Sadiya
@Dr.Sadiya · 4:39


So in this book, I have not only concentrated on one factor, which affects significantly the blood glucose, but the other important factors as well, which, as I have rightly mentioned just now, the exercises, the stress management and sleep. So when we work on a program, we work on different components, because there are times when the person is having a good diet but not able to have a good blood glucose control because he's not having good sleeping pattern
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 1:20

Q 4. In conversation with Dr. Amena Sadiya. #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight @Dr.Sadiya

Thank you so much Dr. Sadiya, for talking about the five C lifeshare program. And you are absolutely correct in the fact that whenever we are met with the problem, we usually focus on the symptoms. We just want our symptoms to go as soon as possible. But we don't care about the cause. So it's really important for people to understand the root cause and eradicate that. And I am so glad to know about the five C's and how you have beautifully by efficated these programs
Amena Sadiya
@Dr.Sadiya · 4:30


What do you mean by real food. Now, real food is actually the food which has been created by Mother Nature. The real food which comes from the soil, it comes from the animal. That's a real food. But during the last 30, 40 years, we have done a lot of manipulation with the food. And a lot of processing has come across where we have manipulated the actual structure of food grains, actual structure of how the food should smell, should taste, should feel
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 1:45

Q5. In conversation with Dr. Amena Sadiya. #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight @Dr.Sadiya

You are absolutely correct, Dr. Amina. I mean, even I agree with the fact that it's not about what you eat, it's about the relation which you have while you're eating something. So why are you overeating? There's definitely going to be a reason for that. Plus, I absolutely agree with the fact that whenever I hear the term called physical exercise, I get kind of bored, or I just don't want to do it. I get lazy
Amena Sadiya
@Dr.Sadiya · 3:58


And remember that diabetes is a lifestyle disease. So in that life of ten to twelve years, he has been taking so many wrong decisions about his food that it has led to increased insulin resistance and beta cell dysfunction. So the problem of is not not only in adults, but it has slowly creeping into the children as well. So it's very, very important that we take the decision now to change the way we eat and to change the way we teach our children to eat as well. So
Manalika Das
@Manalika · 1:26

Q 6. In conversation with Dr. Amena Sadiya. #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight @Dr.Sadiya

So we have to focus us on that basically is refocus, I must say, we have to refocus on the things we do about our movement, about what we eat, about our diet, about where we live and how we have to accustomed to our surroundings, along with making sure that our well being is not hampered. So these are certain things which are definitely so helpful for me and I think for everyone out there. So we have talked a lot about your book
Amena Sadiya
@Dr.Sadiya · 3:55


Your mental health, your emotional health, your physiological health, your inflammation in your body. So maybe you will not be able to tangibly measure them, but they will always be a positive effect of your positive lifestyle choices. So even if you fail, so just get back. So just putting in nutshell, decide that you want to change. And if you want to change, seek the right knowledge to make that change. And thirdly, even if you fail, be prepared to bounce back
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Manalika Das
@Manalika · 2:01

In conversation with Dr. Amena Sadiya. #authorinterview #swellinterview #indiaspotlight @Dr.Sadiya

You. Alright? So that's it for today. Thank you so much, Dr. Amena, for talking about your valuable insights regarding diabetes prediabetes, talking about your book, about your amazing five c lifestyle program, about children, about diet, wellness, about will, movement and whatnot. So we have covered a lot of topics in this particular interview, or I can say conversation, because it was amazing to have a conversation with you
Amena Sadiya
@Dr.Sadiya · 0:41


Thank you so much. Manalika thank you so much for such lovely questions and your energy is amazing so thank you for that. I felt really having very casual conversation with you so that was excellent. And yes, I'm happy to help anytime. You can follow me on my instagram, handle Dr. Sadiya lifestyle or my website. You can go and check more information on different blogs which is www.drsadialifestyle.com or you can also meet me in person if you want to. I am in Dubai
Kritika Harshank
@DrK91 · 4:12
It is just so sad and heartbreaking to see her suffer like this. But still, we are positive about it, that somehow we are going to manage it and she's going to be all right someday. Right now she is using insulin because medicines were just not working on her and she's obese, so it gets difficult as the year passes by that to see her just fighting with diabetes
Amena Sadiya
@Dr.Sadiya · 3:56


So that's the reason the first step would be to change the mindset, to change your relationship with food and understand why do you think that it's always necessary that you enjoy only outside food. So you have to just clean it off, give yourself a fresh start, and try different things and different ways of conditioning your mind. And when we talk about diet, yes, there are different kinds of diets which might work on different peoples
