Chuck James
@chuckjames · 4:40

Introducing Chuck James

They were all single deliveries, single birth and the age difference between them is just under 13 years. So we had eleven children in just under 13 years. So some people think that that's crazy and we both agree with them it is pretty crazy. But it's been a lot of fun raising our children. We still have a few of them at home

#introduction #fatherhood #father #parent #parenting #family

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:39
And then other times I ramble freely. But, yeah, it's a fun it's a fun app. I hope you like it. Let me know if you have any questions. But it's very fun to just dive in and explore and see what's up and listen to some cool conversations. But, yeah, welcome, and it was really lovely to hear your introduction
Chuck James
@chuckjames · 1:29


Hey, Ro, thanks for your response to my post. I appreciate that. I appreciate you listening to the whole thing. I know there was a lot there. And also, thank you for the tip on building a chain of your comments. If they need to go longer. I do try to be terse because I know I have a tendency to not be, but some of thoughts require more in depth explanation or detail. So being terse, being straight to the point isn't always an option
