Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 4:24

Enjoy the process even if it doesnt go your way

So we won't clean clothes. We start out, we're like, oh, yeah, we're going to clean our clothes this week. We're going to be productive. And then we get to the cycle, the middle part where we're taking the clothes out of the washer, we're putting them in the dryer and at first we're kind of like, okay, yeah. But we get so disappointed when we go back to the dryer and the clothes are still damp

#journey #process #life #patience #triumph #glory #askswell

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:32
There's something that I just need to follow through a little bit without losing sight of, like where I want to go, but just also accepting the unexpected, spontaneous things that happen in life. Because if we're not doing that, what is this for? Life is not like a book that's just written. It's happening. It's real, it's unexpected. So, yeah, that's what your post made me think of. So thank you. Thank you for sharing
