Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 8:15

Eclipse me or eclipse me not that is the question

But if you did, I'm pretty sure someone who couldn't see it or wasn't able to see it is looking at it and saying, wow, like, thanks so much for posting that. I missed it, but I'm glad I got to see this picture. And for those who did not want to look at it, they may look, too and be like, oh, that picture is beautiful. Because I did. I looked at the picture and said, it's beautiful

#askswell #eclipse #life #opinions #beliefs

Some people will do anything for a buck.

And so any obscurity or anything that's unusual that can be brought into the spotlight of commercialism, like I said, especially in this country, you can count on it happening. And that goes along with the tabloids as well. You know, you were talking about people saying it's the end of the world, and all this other stuff, those magazines or those newspapers or articles or whatever, are collecting an audience. And that's all that it is
Richard Taliaferro
@richtaliaferro · 2:42
Hey, there. I just wanted to chime in really quickly. You know, there were people who made a lot of money today off of this. I mean, a lot. I saw stories where super eight, you know, these budget motels and hotels were charging people $1,000 a night for this. That's kind of ridiculous and it's kind of, kind of stupid
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:56
I noticed that the air felt nice. I noticed that people who were in their nursing uniforms, they were able to step outside just for a moment. Neighbors I haven't seen before outside with friends and family. And it wasn't that many people, just a few, just standing times around and talking and looking up as the sky got grayer, duskier. I'm in Virginia, so I didn't see, you know, a full eclipse, but it did get a little dusky
Robert Jenkins
@Guruball1 · 2:26
Every time I walk in the sun, I see a shadow. So, you know, I was like, me and my son, he was like my youngest son, he was like, he went through glasses, but I, we couldn't find any. And that was it
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:06
Maybe I would have had a few, you know, some thousands of dollars to be able to send my family on this vacation that I keep trying to send us on. It ain't went to yet, but anyways, yeah, yeah, I'm glad it's over. So thanks so much for responding. You have a good day. Bye
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 1:14


I guess I'm just not, you know, I'm into stuff, but. But, like, that stuff doesn't faze me. So I guess that was kind of why I was just kind in my office, like, okay, next Wednesday I'll be over so we can go ahead and get this day over with so I can go home. But, um
Gary Brown
@garyplaysbone · 2:27


And I could kind of look at the shadow of the trees on the ground, and you could see little moon shaped crescents on the shadows on the ground. But I would say that for some people, it's kind of a special occasion, even though it's so short and it ends up being kind of a spiritual kind of thing because it is such a special, rare event in the universe, or it's time with your family, or it's just like, who cares?
Richard Taliaferro
@richtaliaferro · 0:36

Hey, there. Just really quickly, I wanted to leave a link to a YouTube video. There's this guy, YouTuber van Lifer, and he drove up to Vermont, I think. Yeah, Vermont, to watch the eclipse with a couple of friends of his. And you have to scroll up to about 16 minutes into the video and for a couple minutes, just watch the three of them just sort of be in awe of what's happening around them
Kitha Larie
@chitchatwithkk · 2:00


Hey, rich, I did go ahead and look at part of it. We just had, like, a 16 minutes. They took some good pictures. But my question is, why are they looking at the sun without their glasses on? Why? That's what I noticed, because I'm just kind of like, they told you not to do that. Why are they doing that?
