Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 2:34

Ask Swell-If you could be any animal, what would you be and why?

They're lounging in the sunny window, on the bed, in their cat room or whatever, and they're playing with toys, they're eating, they're sleeping, they're using their litter box. And they have a very carefree life. And I think that is an awesome life to have where you can just have all the necessities to live and just be happy

#AskSwell. #Cats

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:59
It's. Thank you so much for inviting me to this swell. Well, we had this question before, kind of, sorta on my swell. I would be a meerkat or a penguin or a giraffe. And why? Because penguins are ultra cute. They can survive in any weather, whether it's hot or cold. I would be a giraffe because they're beautiful, they're so tall, and they can look around the world and they're just majestic to me. And then meerkats
