Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 1:52

Ask Swell- Random question- How do you sleep? On your back? On your side? On your stomach? Or something else?

And I was looking on the TV for inspiration, watching this show and a commercial came on four pillows and then I had this inspiration. How do you guys sleep? Are you a back sleeper? Are you a side sleeper or do you sleep on your stomach or is there something completely different that you do? A totally random question, but I am curious what your technique is because there's a ton of different ways to do it, a ton of ways, but I probably don't even know about

What is your sleeping technique? #Sleep. #AskSwell

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 0:43


Hey, Zach, thanks for inviting me to this. Swell. Okay, how do we sleep? Well, for me, the only way that I'm comfortable is I sleep on my left side, because I don't know, for some reason, I'm most comfortable on that side. And I don't know if it has something to do with the fact that the fan is better on that side, because I sleep with the fan on all night
