Zach Hillard
@Chief2 · 4:56

Improv Songs Saturday-week 59!

Hello. Swell. Hope you're doing fantastic day. Thank you so much for tuning in. Pardon the allergies. My voice probably sounds a little bit differently. Anyway, this is your third and final topic of the day. Hope you're having a great one so far. This is improv songs. Saturday, week 59. So I jumped onto the random number generator before I jumped onto this recording. It gave me sound number 72, which is the piccolo sound

#ImprovSongsSaturday. #MusicalWeekend

Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 2:09
There is this amazing singer named Layla Hathaway, and she can do it unbelievably incredible. Amazing. This wonderful alto pitch tone, all rich and creamy and wonderful. And I enjoy a lot of what she sings. But when you play what you played today, you reminded me of her greatness. So that's a huge compliment to you. Yes, it is indeed. But as I listened, I was, you know, walking around, doing some things and feeling a quicker tempo
