Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 4:58

Why do we let love down? When did we stop saying yes to love and why?

If we're mature, grown adults looking to have a blossoming relationship with someone, and you have another adult who says they're mature and they're ready for the same thing, what's the disconnect? Why is everyone still searching? I don't know. I'm not putting the pieces together like I normally do, so I figured I'd put it out there. Maybe someone could help me fill in the blanks, because I'm really drawing blanks. So much love can be made yet

#love #relationships #yes

Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 3:14
We used to be inundated with choices. If you look at this as a marketplace, I think we kind of say, okay, well, I don't have as many choices as I think I should, or it's very hard to narrow down, to find what I want. So I think that sort of creates frustration. And also, I will add that I've always hated the term falling in love because it reminds me of falling down a staircase or falling down a ditch
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 3:11


But I hear some great stories. I hear some not so great stories, but it's not for me. But, yeah, I definitely think that having so many options do play a major role in it. But I'm just wondering, so when everyone's in these comments, do you think that they are just reading the other comments or are they afraid to reach out to someone else? Because I see a lot of time, people are engaging with each other
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Andrea Piggue
@Andrea_Speaks · 4:54
I think everybody is so stuck up on their type, right? He's not my type, she's not my type. But you really don't know if somebody's your type until you meet them and you begin to talk to them and conversate with them, and then you may find out that what you thought was your type really isn't your type. And this other person could be
Cheyonia Wade
@Chey · 3:37


It just seemed like it's getting worse and I don't understand. And now the older men are looking for the younger women and the younger women are looking for the older men, but the in between is just there. And it's so much that I've seen and heard, and I was just wondering it was really a thought that crossed my mind, but I'm glad that that point was, Wade, you made it because it's really how I felt
