
Cdr Bimal Raj



Ex Indian Navy, Author of "What Next", Podcaster of "Awkward Talks" on Spotify, Multi Award winning Mindset Mentor and Coach.

Cdr Bimal Raj
@cdrbimalraj · 12:19
Marital Rape - Suffering in Silence

Marital Rape remains unaddressed in India, perpetuating silently even in affluent homes. It's crucial to create safe spaces for open discussions.

Cdr Bimal Raj
@cdrbimalraj · 8:41
Lets Talk About Peri Menopause

Struggling with mood swings, hot flashes, or focus? Could be Perimenopause (40-44), a Menopause precursor. Learn more in our podcast with Uma Iyer.

Cdr Bimal Raj
@cdrbimalraj · 19:43
Suicide - Choosing Death over Life

The number of student suicides in India is rising at an alarming rate. It is a burden like no other when a child chooses it! We need to talk about it

Cdr Bimal Raj
@cdrbimalraj · 11:37
Dear Men, Lets Talk About Menstruation

At 26, I learned about menstruation, oblivious despite a female-dominated upbringing. Men, let's break taboos and understand this natural process.

Cdr Bimal Raj
@cdrbimalraj · 14:14
How to Make Self Doubt Work for You

Explore self-doubt: its essence, origins, and impact. Learn why it's not purely negative and how to harness it for growth in this episode.

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