@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 4:59

The Urge to Drink to Escape Reality

And she looked at me and she said, candy, can I give you a piece of advice? When you are, don't drink alcohol. When you are trying to overcome a difficult situation, don't use it as a coping mechanism. You can drink alcohol for pleasure, like when you're in a social situation, but don't use alcohol to cope. Once you start going down that slippery slope, that's when you start having a dependency towards it. And very wise words indeed

#mentalhealth #thoughts #life #perspectives #reflection

@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 2:31

Part 2

And I think at times like this, you know, it's making a conscious decision whether I choose to cope in healthy ways. You know, I can choose to cope in healthy ways. I can become aware of this and cope in healthy ways or develop an unhealthy way of coping. Right. And it is moments like this where you make these decisions, I think. And so that's that. And that's where I am. So thanks for listening to me
Maurice Lekea
@malekea · 4:43
If you're drinking just because you want to have a fun drinking for pleasure, it's good because I think that one you can control, you can have some self discipline to control it. But if you drink it for a problem, there is no end because the problem is now going away. Our lifetime is just made with good and bad and days and night. So we just learn how to manage those things without getting any substance involved in it
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Payal Shandil Gupta
@Payal_Shandil · 2:21
So you are a fun loving person without a care in the world. Often I found that humor comes when you the furthest away from smile. It's an attempt to lighten yourself. You are a strong person. We've already established that in our previous conversations. I admire you. We've already established that, too. But today, your vulnerability and the courage you've shown to show not only yourself, but where you come from. It takes a lot of courage
Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 1:14
You were speaking with your heart and you opened your heart beautifully. You said that, okay, if you are taking alcohol or something like this, but you must have a kind of control and you should not take it alone. You just take it in some company and you should be mature enough to understand each and everything about it and all kind of impact on health. And definitely with the maturity, you should use it, you should take it
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 1:50


And this was the talk that I had as I was listening to you and your response. And just all in all, being very, very self aware of who we are as people. And our interaction was with various things. Right. I sounded so vague. But what I meant to say is just that self awareness of ourselves and how we use our alcohol is what, what was the thought that came to my mind? But thanks, Maurice. Thanks for, you know, always responding
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 2:43


And, you know, on the other hand, right, while I, you know, I just, while I pretend that this doesn't exist, I always paint this image of a person who's very, like, you know what you were talking about, this extremely fun loving person who just behaves no way talks in a way they, that they don't have a career in the world. And because I don't talk about. Right. I don't talk about it
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 0:39


You know, that really, really meant a lot for me, and I'm deeply touched. So thank you so much. Thank you so much for thank you so much for your encouragement. And it most definitely is encouraging to me. And I hope you have a beautiful day. Bye
Sushama Kasbekar
@Sushama123 · 2:25
Hi candy. That was indeed a very candid and open kind of discussion on having a drink, which happens to many of us. We are often misled into thinking that drinking can solve the problem because we get numb from a drink or a couple of drinks
@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 2:12


And I think that's so counterintuitive and, you know, with this whole process. Right. I recently realized that, oh, by stepping into the light, you're seen by a lot of people. People you're held accountable, and also you're able to ask for help and receive help. And that's what's awesome about it. Rather than trying to cope in private, you know, trying to or trying to pretend that these issues don't exist
Akhila P V
@AkhilaPV06 · 1:15


So as it essence, I would like to go. I would like to point out some of the key elements. That is involves the conscious decision. That is, awareness, reflection, evaluation, intention and action. So these are the five key elements, which is. Which plays a major role of making this conscious decision making. So by engaging this kind of decisions, we cultivate agency and autonomy in our life. Okay. Rather than being a passive
