@Candy Livesherlife
@candylives · 2:43

Rest is powerful. Listen to your needs

And the reason that I learned it was actually from personal experience, beginning of this year, I just wanted to go, go, and I didn't give myself time to rest. I didn't sleep. I didn't sleep well, and I didn't eat well. And as a result, for six I think for three to six months, I had consecutive infections that I had never experienced before, small infections, and I was just doing courses of antibiotics and dealing with these infections

Learning to listen to our needs in a fast paced world. #thoughts #personallessons #reflections

Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 3:00
And yes, it's very important that we take rest from time to time so that we can refuel our body with energy which is needed to accomplish so many things in our lives. So, yes, rest is very important for the proper functioning of our body, for the proper system of hormones to go on in our body
Dr.khushboo chauhan
@Fragrance · 2:00
You know, in India, people consider this working continuous scenario to be the growth scenario where actually so many things are declining because of the rest is lacking somewhere. Mental health is affecting on a top notch level. And the Japan work culture that you have mentioned, I'm 100% agree with that. Lastly, I want to mention that human body is as similar as any machine does work. So it needs a rest too. Why?
