Serena Rios
@cactuscloudsart · 2:57

Hi, I’m Serena and I am mentally ill 😂😉

I focus on mental kindness and giving yourself Grace and motherhood and sharing love with yourself and love throughout the community in the world, leaving goodness in your wake as you walk through the world. I do murals, I do watercolor. I like to with my ADHD. I am always seeking new things and so I constantly get my hands into new processes and new ideas. Anyways, that is my quick introduction to myself so that I don't know, I can break the ice on starting Swell

#bipolar #adhd #artist #motherhood #hi #instroduction

Jack .
@zejacques · 1:18
She has four kids ranging from eight to 18 months. I also really appreciate you being transparent around your journey with mental health and your advocacy there. I'm wondering if you don't mind me asking, when you were diagnosed or realized you had ADHD? I've never been diagnosed, but I relate to a lot of the symptoms and the older I get, the more I question do I have ADHD?
Serena Rios
@cactuscloudsart · 4:58


I received my diagnosis towards the end of 2020. I know very many other people who also received mental illness diagnoses during 2020. And I think it's just so interesting because that year we were really thrust into spending a lot of time by ourselves and in our own minds. And I think that collectively that was a really interesting time for all of us
