Brandon Taylor
@BT26 · 5:00

Daily Drive Episode 228: Traumatic Past doesnt make you

And a lot of times when we go through things like that, even a traumatic past, sometimes when you don't heal from it properly, it still bothers you. It still allows you to sit there and say, well, that made me who I am today. It really doesn't. You not learning from it makes you. Making you really think about some things of just being like, hey, so I have to learn that it's okay for me to go through a process like this

#past #heal #talkaboutit

Denise Lewis
@myconfettitree3 · 2:18

@BT26 past trauma

Because the best thing, I think for the thing that I did the most was run away and not face things. Like you said, not face things head on. I just kind of ran away and thought, I'll deal with that some other time. And it catches up to you. It really does. So again, thank you for posting that and I hope you have a good day
