Brandon Taylor
@BT26 · 4:57

Daily Drive Episode 50: Freedom

No, you just got to sit there and say like, hey, look, right now I don't feel like I'm up to the test, but here are some things that will allow me to get to that level of freedom. Right? And that's just again, more so than not, of not even suffering in silence. You just got to tell somebody, look, I just need to get away. I just need to figure this out

#mental #answers #lettinggo

Brandon Taylor
@BT26 · 5:00


One, I'm telling people and asking people of what do I need to do in order for me to embrace my freedom, right? The other thing is, too, I have to surrender that high guard of myself. When I say high guard, I mean my defenses are always up because I trust too many people, and I have to be like, well, this is somebody that I got to build my trust with
