Hi. Good morning, everyone. I'm going to start reading stuff from Louise Hay. You can heal your life. It's a beautiful book. And I thought it's a great place to share this. In the infinity of life, where I am, all is perfect. Whole and complete. And yet life has ever changing. There is no beginning and no end. Only a constant cycling and recycling of substance and experiences. Life is never stuck or static or steel

#Heal your life

Geetha Kariappa
@angelface7 · 1:49
And so true that it is important to have positivity, positive affirmations and I believe in that. For me, the day starts with thinking good of myself, telling myself that the day is going to be wonderful, the day is going to be magical. And most importantly for me, it is important to accept everything that happens. If I am thinking that the day is like the plan is going to go on according to my calculation and if it doesn't happen, that is also fine
Brindha Jayasankar
@Brindhab · 0:53
You. Hey, thank you so much for your wonderful reply. You're such a strong woman. And it's so beautiful to hear from you that you start your day. How many of us do that? I mean, I really appreciate you. You should pat yourself on the back. To wake up with a smile, to be alive to see the sunrise is such a blessing. And we are also blessed because we can share shape our own destinies. Right?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Tracy Ellis
@TroubleontheCDT · 0:07
I totally agree with you. What we think becomes our reality. Thanks for posting
