Brandon Wynn
@BrandonWynn · 5:00

Dear Parents

How significant is said thing that you're about to impart your lovely wisdom on for me as the new parent to course correct. And the second one is, is this the right thing or is this your thing? I am going to tell you today is my breaking point. I've had it up to here. I do not want to hear another thing that I need to course correct. I need to do right. I need to stop doing with my child right now

There’s so much to learn, and even more to adjust, as a new parent. While the suggestions, advice, hacks and tips are welcomed please practice balance

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 2:00

#parenting #hardconversations #motivation #father

And don't be afraid to tell people that they need to back off a little bit. But it can be hard to do that if they are very sensitive to criticism. So sending you strength, encourage to have the hard conversations and wisdom and patience for the people to receive them that will actually benefit from what they're being told. So
Brandon Wynn
@BrandonWynn · 4:59

Thanks Ty!

And I think more than anything else, that is the lesson that God has taught me or is teaching me through this journey of becoming a new parent. So hope that helped you as well on your journey. Have a good one
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 4:22

#value #peace #patience #drama #love

We get beat up, we get knocked down, we have to figure out how to pick ourselves back up and how to walk and how to talk and all this stuff, right? And then I feel like, like you said, it is unconditional. People just love and care so deeply that they want to provide an easier path
Brandon Wynn
@BrandonWynn · 5:00

Tummy Time. #newborn #parenting

But you'll miss a lot of the experiences if you do not also do the same with self, if you do not also become more aware by learning from the child, by learning what they do. Case in point, really quickly, he's now at the point upon which, after you feed him, change his diaper, he's up and he's got all this energy. And babies, they just won't go to sleep, right
