Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 4:52

Can you work without your phone?

Maybe it's just, you know, them just talking shit. I don't know. I don't know. But it's just mind boggling to me because even outside of the platform, they're even adults like that. Like, I, like, like, as you all know, and I'm very proud of myself for this, so I'm going to keep talking about it until I die

#workethic #what? #money

@homosanity · 4:37
Like, I have students talk to me as a teacher in ways that I would never, ever, ever in my life talk to a teacher. So I will have students. They never will say this, of course. I think, too, it's because they email me this. They never say this out loud, but they will say, hey, you know, I realized my assignment's late, but I turned it in grade this today because I need this graded right now
