Braxxton Brown
@Br33zy · 4:52


It's not intentional that I haven't been on here, but I'm definitely making my way back. We're going to get this shit together, you all. We definitely are. My birthday is tomorrow, February 3. I'm trying to lift my spirit. So that's another reason why I got on here around this time last year. If we go through my previous swells, I was definitely going through a lot. This was a traumatic time

100th time is the charm right? health, death, life lifing… just tryna make it! #life #living #2024 #keepgoing

Robert Jenkins
@Guruball1 · 0:46
I find myself doing the same thing sometimes, but I have a lot of posts up. What you need to do if you want to change that is as soon as something hits you, write it down, do a little quick research, do a quick five minute post and keep it pushing. That way you'll be doing things and the next time, you know, you look around and you have a lot of posts that you don't put up, that's how I'm doing it
Eluchianna Olive
@Luchianna · 2:24
And that would make me just want to respond to everybody's swell because I felt like they were sharing their heart and it wasn't going to turn into something that it was not like you going to school and remember 100 episodes or one year. And I think that you made it. I think you yay, woohoo. To your own horn. You made it a whole year. And that's remarkable. That's a huge accomplishment. So anyway, get back to something. Do midnight blues or something
