Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 1:28

What holiday movies are you watching this week?

Over the weekend, I had a chance to start watching holiday movies, and I had such a good time watching Single All the Way with a friend of mine. This was such a cute holiday love story about two best friends who end up going home together for the holidays and Hijinks and sue as they always do. And it was adorable. I was especially excited to see an actor that I recognized from the show Ugly Betty, which I absolutely loved. So that made it even more fun

Let me know what I should watch this year! #christmas #happyholidays #movies #recommendations

Charlie Floyd
@damonnomad · 0:24
Trading Places With Eddie Murphy is probably my favorite holiday movie. It's not really a holiday. It's as much of a holiday movie as Die Hard as a holiday movie. It just happens in around holiday time. So I don't know if that's appropriate and proper, but I watch it every year around Christmas
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:42


If you sort search for Die Hard where there was a big debate about this and I feel like it probably comes up online every year, but I still stand by it. I think of Die Hard as a holiday movie
Jared Bogda
@JCB07 · 2:47
And sometimes the word holiday does not have to mean a corporate holiday or a national holiday, but more so a break from your current life. And I think that that's a really great message. I did put on my list about 30 movies to watch in the month of December that had to do with holidays, and I still have yet to watch about 27 of them
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 0:37

@JCB07 love The Holiday!

Oh, my gosh. I can't believe that you got to experience the holiday in real life. That's amazing. And that sounds like such a cool experience. I would love to do that with a friend at some point. And that's another great movie recommendation. Then I kind of forgot about that movie, but I love it. And I think I might add it into my yearly rotation
Taylor J
@Taylor · 0:56
Man, there are just so many honestly and Muppet Christmas Carol. I got to do that. That's still pending. What I'm realizing right now as I'm leaving this comment is that so many movies I want to watch between now and Christmas Day, I just don't think I have the time for so I'll have to narrow down the list. But at the top top top of that list is Jingle All the way
Tim Ereneta
@Tim · 1:18

A Christmas anime

I don't have much nostalgia when it comes to Christmas films, but there is one movie currently that I like to watch every year since I discovered it about three years ago, and that is called Tokyo Godfathers. It's an anime directed by Satoshi Kohn, and it's about three homeless people on the streets of Tokyo who find an abandoned baby in a dumpster on Christmas Eve, and it's the story of them trying to take care of it and reunite it with his parents
