Bobby Dsouza
@bobbydsouza · 2:18

Flow like water I Inspiring words I Poetic expression I Bobby Dsouza

"Water flows, a soothing stream of life. It quenches thirst, nurtures growth, and mirrors our shared journey."

In the river's gentle flow, love mirrors its grace, Forgiveness in each ripple, kindness in every embrace #poem #inspiration #reflections #water

Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:34
You. Yes. Thank you so much for this podcast and for the invitation. Being like water, being able to take any shape, being able to flow with the current against the current and over any kind of terrain that is definitely the an epitome of a fulfilling, meaningful life. Thank you so much for sharing. Have a lovely evening. Bye
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:36


Hey, Bobby. Disrosa. Wonderful message you've shared. And definitely water is very powerful. Whenever we try to imagine about power, most people give description of fire and brimstone in those terms without realizing how powerful truly water is. And thanks for bringing about this wonderful message of showing kindness, compassion and forgiveness to one another. It's truly, truly amazing
