Blair Redmond
@blairbearing · 1:58

Daily Meditation: March 26 | Make Each Moment Count

Melody Beatty, journey to the heart daily meditations on the path to freeing your soul, March 26 make each moment count a picture isn't taken in a moment, stated the brochure for the Cottonwood, Colorado, hotel. It's taken of a moment. It took me a long time to learn that important truth. I spent years trying to get my life together and keep it together, as though it were a solid chunk that could be arranged in a certain place, then made to stay there

#dailymeditation #makeeachmomentcount #liveinthenow

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:10
I love this. We can never be reminded enough how important it is to be in the present. To live things as they come and when they come. Thank you so much for sharing
