Brian Foreman
@BKFOREMAN69 · 4:52


I need to get back to that for my own peace of mind. Within the next two years, I'm looking at I i want to have a hobby farm and I don't know if I'll have animals I'll actually eat. I really don't. I don't know if I have it in me. I do want chickens again. I do want pygmy goats as pets, ducks. I need to get some ducks back. And I've had chickens and ducks before and I miss it


Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 2:01
Yeah. I really have been thinking about minimalism so much because in the past few years, I've been moving a lot and I realized how much I like it when I can fit all my essentials into kind of really just a backpack and then, like, some clothes. That's ideal to me. It feels good, it feels light. But I have a ways to go because I love having materials to make stuff with. And I find that oftentimes I just end up with too much stuff
Brian Foreman
@BKFOREMAN69 · 2:10


Thank you for your response. I think the older I get, though, the more I want simplicity. Like I said, I achieved it once. My problem is you mentioned having crafty things. The one thing I have a hard time minimizing our books. I have lots of books. Books, magazines on homesteading, things of that nature that kind of lend themselves to the dream. So I have a difficult time with that question. What's a community manager?
