tj j
@bk1844 · 1:43

My overseas homiday experience

Also at night, the night before Christmas was when they celebrated well, not celebrated Christmas, but that's when they opened their gifts, everyone would usually dress in all white and pretty much dress up, go to family's house the night before and have dinner, open gifts and celebrate the holiday that was always of the day before. And that was also how they celebrated birthdays. Also, I guess, to get the most out of their birthday

Across the pond adventure

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:53

#travel #life #celebrate

It's so valuable to learn how other people do things, to kind of just give us psychologically a perspective that our way is not the only way, which is so valuable and best learned from travel in my opinion. So it's pretty cool to hear about the birthday celebration in advance. It definitely sounds like a celebratory cultural experience and again, we could all use some more celebrating these days. So kudos to them and to you for giving yourself the experience minutes and thinking to share it with us here
