Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:54

Delete it all 😈 - some radical writing advice

What to do when everything in your writer life seemingly goes to hell? This is a radical approach. Okay. Proceed with caution, because I think not everyone is okay with what I am about to suggest. My suggestion is delete it all. Hello. Swell. And to day on radical advice you didn't ask for, but you are receiving it anyway. Because I think there are parts of the writer life that nobody talks about

…or store it somewhere where you can’t see it everyday. #WritingAdvice #WritingAndBeyond

Payal Shandil Gupta
@Payal_Shandil · 1:00
That didn't really do anything for me. But at least now I know out of 1000 ways. And I'm a believer of Edison, who says when talking about his bulb, that he knew 99 ways the concept doesn't work. So I have about 40 ways the concept doesn't work. They've done their purpose, and I should hit the delete button. Thank you so much and looking forward to hearing from you again. Bye
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 0:57


We actually gained insight on what we are not good at or an insight on where we improved because something we wrote five years ago and if we try to rewrite it now, there is going to be a visible difference, right? So instead of getting fixated on the past, the average cliche move on the past is what makes us who we are. But if we stay there, that's exactly what we are going to exist in the future too
