Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:54

Writer’s Block - Draft to Manuscript - Writing and Beyond Part 2

To my own experience with the writer's block, I have the latter problem where I have too many ideas and I don't know what to write. This is writer's block more common in the non fiction side of things, which is where I work in and to deal with this. What I have come up with as a solution is speech to text

There are two kinds of writer’s blocks: I have nothing to write. I have a lot to write. @aniesha.brahma, help! #WritingAndBeyond #writing #books

Aniesha Brahma
@aniesha_brahma · 2:25

Aniesha gives her take on #writersblock. #writing #indiabuzz

Now, I'm not, again, not a generalization, but I've seen the majority of people say, oh my God, I have a writer's block. I can't do work right now. But the thing is, you have to treat writing as one of your jobs. You can't go up to a job and say, Today, I'm blocked. I will not be working right. You will have to do something
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 0:54

@aniesha.brahma Outlining is my Achilles heel! #writing #publishing #bookwriting

And then if it makes sense, that's when I outline, that's when I create some headings and all of that. So I would say what would your tips tricks be for outlining? If there is a generalized answer, if you could give me one, I would love to learn from you. Thank you so much
Ramya V
@Ramya · 4:57

From personal experience

It then struck me that probably the reason why I was not able to come out of this block was because the idea or the plot of it that they had suggested did not quite resonate with me. So as a writer I kind of stopped believing in the idea that certain plot changes which was recommended by the publishing house would work well for the draft. And that was where I was and that was where I quite literally abandoned that project of mine
Ramya V
@Ramya · 2:15

Thoughts on outlining from a former pantster

And I'm so glad you both brought up the topic of outlining, because I was a former pantster. The whole idea of plotting was once very outlining to me, but I am somebody who has converted, who has seen the light. Now I realize I need a clear idea of what I'm working towards else what really happens is that my characters sort of go about their days, endless days doing nothing, rambling on and on with no significant change in their character art
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:58

@Ramya on Nanowrimo, preptober, publishers and the creative block you described. #writing #publishing #editing

And all of this, while it doesn't really have a visible difference, so to speak, I think from a sales P. Ov. These things are why traditional publishers to this date make the big Bucks. So I think it is a matter of finding the right publishers for us rather than just getting the book out there. So that is where I have this bit of a heartache, so to speak, which is don't give up hope
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:59

@Ramya on clarity, critiques and plotting.

And then when you approach your draft, you will see that block is sort of clearing because you will have clarity on what wasn't working, because these people pointed out exactly what wasn't working for them. And human beings are remarkably similar than we give them credit. And I think it could work with your draft. This system where somebody you trust and somebody who knows literature goes through your work and points out narrative flaws in it
Ramya V
@Ramya · 0:55
So I'll probably start working on an outline. So this has been great. This has been absolutely great. Looking forward to more search force from you. Thank you. Bye
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 2:51

@Ramya Some Neil Gaiman and on experimenting with self publishing.

And so if you haven't deleted this draft, whenever it is that inspiration strikes, you can always pull a Neil game in and go back to your old work, right? Because, of course, why not? And something Anisha actually told me with regards to her own boxes. She did experiment with self publishing under a Sudan to learn more about self publishing, which is why the work reform movement has come to publishing as well, where more and more authors are refusing traditional publishers
Aniesha Brahma
@aniesha_brahma · 4:34

Some more observations #writing #writersblock #unpopularopinions

And we have agreed on a lot of things and they agreed to take the book and make it into a series. I was completely prepared to do it all on my own, but as luck would have it, it just worked out. And the one thing that I've learned about luck is it is constantly changing. Also, as for the drafts and ideas, I think writers are never out of ideas
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 2:37

@Binati_Sheth @aniesha.brahma @Ramya

And of course, I do write for myself from time to time, which are pieces that I like to just write in for either medium or a blog that I had put up a while ago. Many years ago. Of course, now I rarely write for myself. But having said that, it's wonderful to understand those various concepts that can help one achieve a sort of a dedicated sort of effort make a dedicated effort rather towards writing
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:28


And as a writer, I would like to apologize for all the other writers out there who made you believe otherwise. Put deadlines. So that is where the Sprints is a phenomenon that could help you. What writers or aspiring writers or people who just write for pleasure or write to express it's all forms of writing they take part in Sprints and Sprints run online. I know a few that run on Facebook, not personally, but courtesy of Nanorimo. A lot of Sprints
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 1:58
And in this case, when it's like you mentioned writing in the advertising world or writing speeches or as a CEO to different kinds of marketing communication material, from possibly an email to collateral that you develop, that is sort of establishing the brand that you're working for, I mean, if this is a huge gamut within this and you sort of learn to straddle all these bits and pieces that come your way and learn to achieve the end purpose, which is to get across to your stakeholder
