Gunjan Joshi
@Bibliophile · 2:26

Sita In Today's World

My only ornaments are poetic tools tied in the string of verses and thick tombs from the past. I became her when I did not confine myself in the conventions, the way she fended for her sons alone. I became her when I refused to relent to the vicious circle of love and ignominy as she voted against his kingdom by exhuming her. And above all, I detest the idea of a goddess or a queen, as I just wish to be a woman honored for her craft, earthy and sensual

#NewCreations #VitaNova #Poetry

Geetha Kariappa
@angelface7 · 2:35
And at least, I would say, even if the society doesn't allow them to give them that full power, they are capable of empowering themselves. So your poem is so beautiful and so well captures the essence of what today's woman is and what the traditional Sita stood for. Thank you for sharing this poem
preethy uthup
@peeli · 4:56
She really stood for all women to say that it is better I go into the world where I am treated in a better way, rather than being in part of a society where I am being questioned on my chastity. That part of the story which really has a strong sort of resonance with me because that is a strength of a female, that she wouldn't stand any sort of discrimination or thing against her own personality, I would say at this point
Gunjan Joshi
@Bibliophile · 3:17


Good evening, Geeta. Thanks a lot for such kind words and for taking out time to respond to this. Well, indeed, the traditional Sita was all about her tranquil beauty, her meditative self, and her ability to partake in her husband's kingly duties. But that had to change, and I have tried to do that through this creation of mine
Geetha Kariappa
@angelface7 · 5:00


She is full of tolerance, she is very giving and she's very enduring. And she was very ably tutored by her mother on how she should be as a woman. And she was tutored by Sage Gargi who also taught her how to do discussions and how to question, how to think. And Sita, she had already decided that she is going to marry a divine man. And even that bow that only a divine man could lift and nobody else could even shift it
Geetha Kariappa
@angelface7 · 1:41


Hi, Gunjan. So I had a bit more to add to the answer I was giving you. So I was like, if you don't mind listening to such a lengthy post, I'll just add a little bit of more. So here Sita was, as I was saying, she was more feminine than any other woman because she was forgiving and she was true to her own self in that sense. She was responsible for her own happiness
Gunjan Joshi
@Bibliophile · 4:55


But again, as you rightly said, that the modern authors and the feminists have used this as a discourse between what a woman should be and what a woman shouldn't be. And then you said that she was more of an accepting person and a passive participant than just being a decision maker or an assertive person. So I think she lagged assertion everywhere. The assertion only came out when she decided to revolt against the king, not her husband
preethy uthup
@peeli · 1:32
And and as you rightly said, it's a time in which the story was written so that makes a whole lot of difference. But I really like that point which you said last that Sita proved her
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:14
You. Thank you so much for sharing this. It makes you think and, you know, look at life from a new perspective. Thank you so much for sharing this. Have a lovely day. Bye
Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 1:09
Today's sita. Very smart, intellectual and self dependent. She is not dependent on anyone. Gone are the days when a girl in childhood was dependent on father. And in young age on husband and old days on children. Gone are the days now. The woman has her own identity. She doesn't need anyone. She is self sufficient for herself. She can do anything. She can take decisions. She can do job. She can look after children. She can devote herself in career
