Beth Reed
@bethjreed · 0:17

Spring planting! 🌱

Hello. As we are in the second day of spring and I started some planting in my garden, I wanted to put a question out there what is everyone planting this year? Do you love having a garden? What are your favorite herbs, flowers, veggies or fruits? Can't wait to start this garden chat

#spring #garden #planting #herbs #veggies

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:14
Hi. Happy spring. Yes. I have been meaning to go get some seeds. I really want to start planting. I saw that you have basil. I love basil, and I was hoping to do more research this year, because last year, a lot of my little seedlings, they grew, and then they died it, so I think I need to do a lot more learning. I still have some of the sage that I grew
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:49
I did just plan some zucchini and some beans and some peas and one tomato plant. But I just want to take a snap of the overgrownness of my arugula and my kale so you could see how ridiculous it's getting. It's all bolted. But it's so beautiful. I'm just going to take a big old snap. And thanks so much for bringing your enthusiasm here. I can't wait to see the results of your planting
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 1:15
You. Hi. This is Erica. Soul journey one k. I'm a little bit different. I haven't garden or I haven't planted or anything like that before. Even though we even though we grew up in an apartment, my father found ways to plant like the rosemary and other herbs and seasonings that he used in his food. And I vowed to one day do the same. And I haven't done it yet, but I keep saying I'm going to do that
Reh Dogg
@RehDogg · 4:33

I can’t recall everything I’m growing this year, but what I am going to snow this year is asparagus.

But I cannot remember anything else at the moment. I think I have green peas as well, but that's all I can think of for the moment. Can't think of anything else. But once my garden starts growing, I shall definitely be taking pictures. In fact, I'll probably take a picture like you did and share what I'm growing this year
Beth Reed
@bethjreed · 0:25

#gardening #springplanting

It. Thanks so much for your reply. I love that. I can't wait to see your peppers and okra. And for asparagus I heard, it takes three full years to grow, so I'm super excited to see your progress with that. Please share pictures. Please keep posting and let this garden swell casting. Keep going. Thanks for response
Beth Reed
@bethjreed · 0:12


Beautiful. I so love it. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures. Let's get some swell casting to add videos. And keep sharing your pics. Arugula? Pesto? Anyone?
Beth Reed
@bethjreed · 0:46

So can't wait to see what you all are planting and comment, share, post, link, whatever photos to show us. Because spring is in the air, summer is almost here. All right, enjoy
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:27


Oh, that's so cool that you're growing blueberries. That is beautiful. I'm glad I just saw you posted. It's great to start a new swell for each new idea you have so that we can have threads of different conversations going on dedicated to different news items of your planting experience. But you just inspired me because I've been thinking about getting some kind of berry bush in my backyard. I've been thinking things, thinking and now I might do it because of you
