bernie Rossi
@Bernie_Rossi74 · 4:32

Embrace the journey. (Please excuse my parrot 😭)

Just embrace it and enjoy it for what it is and what it was. The journey. Don't think about the destination of it and how it ended. Just think about the beauty of it and see how you can use that as a muse for you to create. Say he's also a fellow artist. I always wanted to spend some positive light on that. Even though through pain, you can create something beautiful. Focus in on her laugh, her smell, her touch

#Love #Heartbreak #Life

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:35
Yeah, I think about this so similarly as well. And I think it's something I learned in my first breakup. I was hit with this loss of hope somehow. Just sadness, loss. But then slowly, I started to realize that the ending was just a part of that love. It was part of it as much as any other. And so it didn't invalidate anything that came before it, or the beginning, or the good parts, or the bad parts, or the weird parts
