Brian Lowenstein
@below · 1:14

Call of Duty

Yo. So just sitting I'm sitting on a pier in Williamsburg, and it's gorgeous out. Couldn't be more spectacular. And then there's two helicopters circle around the bay. And I'm sitting here just thinking these things. You hear it now? Have, like, a chopper gunner attached to it, just like terrorists. Chopper gunner going on a nuke street. I that would be silly. Oh, man. So, yeah, that's what is on my mind
Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:24

#imagination #mindset

Hey, Brian. Interesting perspective. At first it was so hard for me to hear what you were saying because of the choppers, I guess. But I was able to read the transcript and it made a little bit more sense. But I was attracted by the title, the Call of Duty title. I wasn't sure if it was about the newly established agreement with Activision and PlayStation and everything, but yeah, cool. Cool. Very cool
Brian Lowenstein
@below · 0:47
I totally feel that. I definitely love Call of Duty, the video game. I have not played it in quite some time. It's been quite a few years since I used to spend hours every night playing in high school. But, yeah, I was just sitting on the Dachshund Williamsburg and had a silly high Dystopic thought and figured I'd share it on Swell. To be honest, I forgot I shared it just because I've only used Swell a handful of times
