Sreejita Karmakar
@belle · 5:00

On Conversations

It always bugs me whenever I'm with someone and the person is being kind to me and holding out a conversation with me, saying things that I'm liking, I'm enjoying the conversation. But the point is, as far as I'm enjoying the conversation, it's easy to come up with replies. But when the conversation steers to a direction which I have no idea about, I mean, I don't have an idea about how to carry that on

#sayitonswell #askswell #life #introvert #lifestyle #friends

Pradeep Malarvannan
@pradeepmalar · 3:23
I don't know about it real life, but here you are a lot better than me. Seriously, when I have the same difficulties. Like, building a conversation is not an easy path for me. Yeah, even I wonder that whether I'm a good friend to anyone. Actually, pretty much the answer is no, to be honest, because I'm not really someone who could help others a lot. Yeah. And there's only one friend
Jeevanshi Gupta
@jeevanshi.09 · 3:07
Hey, I just heard your spell cast and I can totally relate to it. I don't know if I'm an introvert or extrovert. I don't know how you are in your your life and how your friends are. I just know you're perfectly fine. I mean, you have the power to express your feelings no matter if you are saying this in a room where no one is watching you, but still you are sharing and you are saying what you are feeling. You know what?
