Becky Butler
@bc75 · 1:19

Words that Heal

And masks need. Needs to be removed so that words can go forth and heal into the areas that are broken. Words of healing can go forth and be poured onto those areas that are wounded. So that life can be birthed within and come alive. To be captivated by the things that God reveals within us. We belong, for we are his. Thanks, Becky

#words #heal

Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:26
When we ask someone, how are you doing? As soon as they say, oh, I'm doing okay. But you read their body language, but you still ignore it and just walk away, you know, I think we should go deeper without words. Ask the person or tell the person, you know, are you sure? Sometimes when you ask that, the person wants to unload, and you never know your ears
