Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 4:20

Content creator or Content with creating?

Let me know some of the experiences you've heard in podcasts and written articles in many other content creation platforms and forms and share some of your thoughts and experiences. I hope for those who haven't heard any of these it's more like a small tip. I hope this would make you you more aware and help you in some way or the other. That's it. Thanks. Bye

Common misconceptions #linguistics #creator #content

Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 3:11


Oh, this totally grinds my ears. Because if you are a language professional, irrespective of the language you are learning, one basic thing that you have to be mindful of is learn. Learn how to pronounce your profession in the language you are practicing in. So I've seen this mistake done so many times. Another thing that irks me for some reason is when people say return back. And I'm like, q, why are you doing language redundancy? Return back. P return back
Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 2:44


Thanks so much for your response. Absolutely. Do check out part one. My two cent to forward the conversation is I'm quite if people want to make a quick buck, it's their prerogative. We do not know their compulsions, their background, their situation. So I'm a little less critical about how people want to make money. What I am probably a little disappointed with is their attention to detail. Now, you do make more money if you have greater attention to detail
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 0:10


Absolutely bang on, as always. Definitely checked out. Part one you're so verbose. Really love listening to you. Thank you so much
Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 0:41


Hey, Timothy. Bead verbose. Essentially bees that you use more words than are necessary to explain a point. So my question to you is that what is a feedback from you? Is that something that I should look into or did you mean something else? It is a feedback. I absolutely take it. Openly take it and definitely try I to be little more circumspected my usage of words. Alternatively, if you're intending to mean something else, do please let me know. Thank you
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 2:20

@BasTalk Yeet is my favourite word #guilty

However, it's the brilliance of the writer or in this case the narrator or speaker who uses words that are not really required, but then they are used so brilliantly you couldn't stop yourself from hearing it, right? Like I didn't need to hear content content, but I heard it because you are verbose in the best way possible, compliments. So I was not giving negative feedback, I was getting positive feedback. Let me just apologize for using contextual language over dictionary
Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 1:49


Please don't apologize. I was just seeking clarification and did not take offence by any stretch of imagination. It's a new learning. I come from old school dingo, so forgive me for that. So I kind of was wondering if that is what it is, but I probably got the essence but just thought of clarifying in case
