Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 4:55

Laal Singh Chaddha - spolier free, neutral view

For starters, it is incredibly difficult to succinctly paraphrase compress an epic like Forest Gump or its adaptation into a five minute swell. So forgive me for not being able to cover everything, and I think I've already used up 15 seconds, 20 seconds of that. But long story short, there will be three different types of audiences that will view this movie from three different lenses

- Indian adaptation of Forrest Gump. #movies #indiancinema

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:31

Still makes me cry

And I'm really excited about you giving me some direction in terms of what movies I should watch. The last movie I watched from Bollywood was Fire. That was amazing movie. So thank you for this and I'm looking forward to finding it somehow and streaming it. Thanks
Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 3:18


And as is the case with everything in life, it kind of follows the Bell curve part. There are some which are extraordinary and it leaves you wondering why. And the majority are like, yes, this could have been better, and that could have been better. And then there is a set of movies which are terrible. So creators, artists, artistry, all follow this kind of a pattern
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:51


And now you've definitely piqued my interest and I need to listen to your first episode. Thank you for the invitation, the personal invitation. I have a question about motivation in Indian cinema, if you're still into talking about it here. With regard to award ceremonies and the idea of getting an award, I feel like a lot of big tent movies are greenlit because they might get an award and it's kind of a frenzy culture. And I'm just wondering, do awards drive decision making?
Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 4:52


There is a section or a segment called the Critics Award and some of the independent films sometimes get mentioned or highlighted there. But largely it's a populist thing. It is a show made for the audience, TV viewing audience if you will, and there's a ton of ad revenue that is generated off it. Given the fact that India within itself is a market, even probably repeating myself, that after 1.37 billion, even 500 million watch those awards, that's a huge captive audience right there
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 3:13
And yes, thank you for keeping it spoiler free, because one thing I was definitely curious about is how they are going to translate some of the themes that existed in Forest Gump to the Indian diaspora, so to speak. So thank you so much for the review. Looking forward to maybe whenever the movies drops on an OTP platform. Hoping that it does, given what is happening with its box office figures. So pointless, right? People just boycotting the movie
Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 4:53

Watch Dhruv Rathee on YouTube - Laal Singh Chaddha Boycott Or listen to my podcast review on The Gyanban Experience - it might help clarify.

Box Office collection should have no bearing on the quality of cinema. That is completely a different skill set, different assessment altogether. Now, as far as lasting tender is concerned, you should watch it as a standalone movie. You should watch it as a standalone Indian movie. Don't jump into a compare between what Forest Gump was and what last thing Jedi is. It is difficult if you especially closely watched Forest Gump and understood the way it is supposed to be
Binati Sheth
@Binati_Sheth · 4:33


But I love reading and rereading The Great Gatsby now at 29 and at 25, I think, or 24, something like that. I love reading Gatsby, rereading Gatsby twice as older than 24, right? Because certain things, as you said, the subtext made sense. The context, the overall overarching context made sense. The cultural phenomena happening around wherein the book is or where in the script or whatever is set in made sense. Right
Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 0:12


Hey everyone. If anyone is keen then the link to the episode is in the description. You can check it out. Thanks
