Dallas Carter
@AwaCast · 5:00

'AwaCast #2 - Preparing for Lent, the meaning of Ash Wednesday, and a little about the Hawaiian flag

And then the story goes that God relented the punishment he was going to give nineveh. And so that's why we have 40 days of Lent. And of course, as I mentioned, those 40 days are in preparation for Easter. We also have ashes. When an Ash Wednesday, we remember that we have come from dust, and to dust we shall return. It's momentum mooring, a reminder of our death that we are mortal

#hawaii #culture #awa #kava #catholic #theology #lent #ashwednesday

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:14
Hey. Super interesting. I definitely didn't know a lot of these things, but yeah. And I definitely always thought that it was 40 days now, 46, but really, really cool. Thank you so much for sharing, and I look forward to episode three
Dallas Carter
@AwaCast · 1:10


Hey, thanks again for your comment here. Yeah, that's something that is often kind of confusing for people. They'll go ahead and count the days from Ash Wednesday to Easter Sunday, and it doesn't quite add up. So I thought it would be good to kind of put it out there, the reasoning behind that. And I'm going to do another quick episode here in a few minutes about some Hawaiian history
