Avni J
@avni15 · 1:20

Padharo Mhare Desh

Hello everyone. This is Avni. I associate myself with the Marvari culture of Rajasthan. Rajasthan? As the name suggests it's the land of the Rajas, the land of the Kings. It is the homeland to many great Kings and warriors. The land of Rastan has very rich culture, art forms, dance styles and yes of course food. The people of Rastan, particularly speaking about the Marvaries are polite, modest, calm, practical as well as business minded

#sayitonswell #rajasthan

Aishwarya Sunil
@aishwaryasunil_ · 0:12
Hi Avni, thank you for sharing your thoughts about your birthplace, Rajasthan. I've heard so many beautiful things about Rajasthan and now from you. I still haven't visited Rajasthan but I would love to visit Jefferson
