Carly D
@Astroality · 3:33

Inner child wounds & healing them

And so by connecting to your inner child, through energy healing, through activities that you used to love to do, by reconnecting with the dreams and the desires and the goals that you once had as a child. Because even as a child, you had aspirations, dreams and goals for yourself. When you reconnect to that childlike playful energy, it allows you to basically pull yourself back to that state of innocence so that you can relearn, reteach, rewire yourself in whatever way is best for you

#innerchild #healing #channeledmessages #fun #playfulness #energyhealing #intuitivehealing #intuitiveguidance #tarot #healingjourney #therapy #reiki

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 1:22
Hi. It's so nice to meet you on here. I love your name. Astro Reality. So great. I am also a Tarot reader and do reiki, and I just really resonated with everything you shared on here. I think it's so important to do inner child work. I have done a lot and I actually have a deck, Tarot deck called the Inner Child Tarot. That is so amazing. So I thought I would share a picture of that here
Carly D
@Astroality · 1:55
Hi. I'm so glad to meet you as well. I love that you shared your deck with me. I love acquiring new decks that really resonate with the work that I do. And I do a lot of inner child healing through Tarot and through actual energy healing, working with galactic beings and archangels and all kinds of divine beings of light ascended masters. I channel the healing for my clients into their energy so I can help them repair their energetic dents
