Carly D
@Astroality · 4:48

Mini energy healing:: Your nervous system 💚

I can tell you that for this specific healing, some of the beings that are going to be present to help us with the healing is Archangel Raphael. Because he is the supreme angel of healing, he has the closest access to human beings. Archangel Michael is going to be bringing in supreme protection so that your energy is completely protected and only frequencies of unconditional love, light, truth, healing, clarity can reach you

#energyhealing #intuitivehealing #energytherapy #intuitiveguidance #healingjourney #energyhealer #divineintervention #angels #spirituality #manifesting

Carly D
@Astroality · 5:00

#energyhealing #healingjourney #divination #spirituality #energyhealer #divineguidance #healer #manifestation #abundance #harmony #intuitivehealing

They're going to just be working with your energy at this time. You can just relax, breathe deep. Set the intention that it goes to the deepest level possible. In this moment. You are protected, you are safe. This healing will continue to work for you, with you well beyond this audio recording. And as I mentioned before, you can come back and repeat it as many times as needed. Feel yourself letting go
