Prabudhjeet Astangi
@astangi · 2:42

Kurseong - The Silent Hill of India

Like I felt a little strange when I entered the room for the first time because we reached there by the I think it was evening, but since it's a town in the mountain so naturally it's going to be night and night there and it was like as if all those dolls were like looking at you or something like that. But overall, the silence that town has d***

It is said that this town is #haunted.

Avneet .
@avneet_ · 0:28
This story or your travel dog really gives me the ebg. And with all the dolls and city in golden silence, I feel like that makes quite the plot for a horror story. I would really love to know if you really felt something there, some supernatural presence or is there anything more to the story? I'm all yours
Prabudhjeet Astangi
@astangi · 3:58


I don't know whether it's real or not, but there is a theory that if while you're sleeping at night, if you feel that someone is watching you, and in case if you live alone, the chances are there is someone there's a theory. I don't know. And I felt it, but I was like, yeah, it's fine, whatever. And the thing was, the moment we entered the place, it gave us a little eerie vibe
