ash dew
@ashdew · 4:02

Dont talk to me before 8 am!

And of course, these actions then decide our destiny. And in this life and I really believe in the next life also, I am an early riser on most days, if not all. And I love my mornings. In fact, I look forward to my mornings. So I have practiced Mahayana Buddhism for seven years and in 2022 and the year before that, I determined to wake up at 03:45 A.m. Every day and chant and read the goshow

#mornings #buddhism #meditation #destiny #metime #spirituality

Evelyn Phipps
@LadyFi · 1:09

#meditate #prayer #thewordofGod #studying

I think I need to be obedient and just go in there and read some of the Word at that time. And if I want to go back to sleep after that, then I can do that after I've prayed for my family and for myself and my friends. So I think that the don't talk to me before eight. That is hilarious because my kids would wake me butt crack early in order to do something they needed before they went to school
Pragati Chopra
@Pragati.chopra · 4:10
And yes, I was a morning person since childhood but it took a lot of time for me to appreciate the magical hours of dawn and sunrise. And this is one of the greatest blessings for me. And yes, I am again fascinated by Buddhism. And yes, I have done this practice which I think I'm talking about. So I am not able to continue the practice yet. But yes, I buddhism and its philosophy is something which really fascinates me
Dr.khushboo chauhan
@Fragrance · 0:55
Hello. Good morning. Wonderful thoughts to start a day with. So we have all heard about one quotation. That is so you saw shall you reap? Thoughts are just working like that. Thoughts are the seeds and our own subconscious mind is like garden. Whatever we plant through the thoughts in our subconscious mind are actions will be accordingly to that. And our reality in majority depends on the actions
Kaps A Perspective !!!!!
@kaps60539 · 4:52


You. Wow, Ashmi, amazing. I think I reflect myself in you. For the last 14 odd years I've been getting up at 430 and the 3 hours from 430, say about 730 or eight, precisely eight, I give it only to myself. And you would be glad to know that I am in a place of Buddhism ATS its pinnacle, a place called Tawang. So it has the oldest monastery way back in 6th century and the biggest monastery of 13th century of the Tawang
ash dew
@ashdew · 0:24


Yes. You know, if God's waking you up at that time, I mean, make the best use of that time, you know. You know, it's called the golden hour, and they say that, you know, something in in the universe. You know, the portals that connect you to the higher realms are more easily accessible at that time. So it's the best time to pray, to meditate and things like that
ash dew
@ashdew · 0:18


Wow. Thank you for sharing. That was just lovely. Yes, it's called the brahmamura. Rightly said. And yeah, nature is the best part. Early morning. I will share something from Buddhism on one of the swells sometime, maybe. Anyway, have a great day ahead
ash dew
@ashdew · 0:07


Hey rightly said dr. Fishbow thoughts are like seeds. Thank you for your response, and I hope you have a great day ahead
Surya V
@welcome28 · 0:40
You. Hi, my friend. That's a nice topic. Yes, it's better. It's better when you are actually not interested to talk. It's better not to talk because it may lead to miscommunication or others may not understand you properly or you may not convey something. Yes, it's always better. And I appreciate your honesty. Actually, you are very honest. That's nice. That's nice to hear from you and waiting to hear more from you. Thank you
Rashmi Trivedi
@RashmiTrivedi · 2:33
And let me see, maybe one day I'll start that getting up early at three or four but then I really, really appreciate people who do that somehow getting up early in the morning doing yoga or meditation. Never try it, but perhaps one day I will. And it was a lovely post. Thank you. Thank
Kaps A Perspective !!!!!
@kaps60539 · 2:15

@RashmiTrivedi..dont just be a beleiver ..DO IT@ashdew

Just get up at 430, go for a walk in the morning, meditate and then start thinking. You'll be amazed. You'll be amazed, I'm telling you. And you can revert back to me. You'll be amazed to see your resourceful state and the output which you will deliver and the thoughts which will come to you. The morning time from four to 630 is late. I'm telling you. Yeah, you can try it from 5530 but then 630 is pretty late
Rashmi Trivedi
@RashmiTrivedi · 1:38


We tell ourselves what we want to be. Yeah, maybe you're right there. So I enjoy my solitude in the night, and that's why I have made myself into a night person. But then I have never really experienced what they say. The Mamura and 04:00, I've never done that. So, yes, I'll certainly try to do that
Aniesha Brahma
@aniesha_brahma · 2:44

@ashdew I have similar thoughts but it's surrounded by tea! #chailife

I have to wake up early, by the way, for context, I have two cats, and they demand to be fed at certain times. There's no negotiating that. Like, anybody who owns cats would tell you this, that they want their food in the morning. There's nothing you can do about it
ash dew
@ashdew · 0:19


Talk. Hey Aniesha, I like the fact that because of your cats, you're waking up early. So you know, that means that the benefits of having pets at home are not just beating loneliness or being more active, but it is also that you wake up early. Then anyhow, thanks for sharing. I hope you have a great day
Sourav Ghosh
@souravghosh · 4:31


Because I trivedi doing this even when I went to bed at twelve I tried waking up early but over time I learned to prioritize my sleep, seven to 8 hours of sleep, I realized that I need this and I don't want to sacrifice that. So what would be your recommendation on that front? And then the second question is this building this kind of boundary with your family members, especially with the people that you are very close to?
ash dew
@ashdew · 3:22


I think by 1030 the lights should be off and I should be in my bed. I start preparing for the night at 930, but after seven I start to slow down. Like I dim the lights in my house. I do not use the white light after that and I just try and slow down. I try not to watch anything that's too engaging just before sleeping, like maybe Thriller movie or something. Now, that's not to say that I haven't done that in the past
Kaps A Perspective !!!!!
@kaps60539 · 4:51


And now about sleeping in the evening yes, you have to be off by 950 or 1030 because a lot of physical activity would have gone in all the day you've been working very hard so automatically the body will sit up at 930 okay? At best TV is a Noble, OTT, CD, Netflix, no go if you have these habits ready drinking, party if you have a reading habit, pick up a book, dream the light, enjoy some wine and just sit back and relax
@DTalks · 3:22
I pack off the family to whatever it is, their school, their college, their office, and then it's totally my me time. I have my newspaper to read. Yes, and I also stay away from the news reels and news channels and all the cacophony that goes on. So I'm off the media in the morning. But yes, I enjoy reading my newspaper, just letting through it. It's my me time
ash dew
@ashdew · 0:28


Hey. Thank you for your reply. It's good knowing that there are people like me out there. It was really great listening to you and the fact that you're able to take out that time. You're saying that you have to travel for work, and still you're able to take that time off. I mean, I completely love that. And, yes, the birds and the nature, the trees and the plants in the morning are uplifting. Glad to connect with
Kaps A Perspective !!!!!
@kaps60539 · 5:00

It will happen..noone till 8 pm

I don't need to care for my sleep, I will sleep by 930 or ten. Latest ten is the last cut off. Now, certain good habits for the evening. Also what Ash Me said dim the light, no television. That's very important. If you are engrossed in this OTT, Netflix, Rose and whatever, then mornings is off. Like I do not watch TV, you read news here to this well cast and your day should be closing in by seven, eight latest
ash dew
@ashdew · 0:10


Hey, thanks for the wonderful reply. And I love the sounds of birds in the background. I'm sure you had a great start to your morning. Have a wonderful day ahead
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 2:04
And I think with the prana, the Prana Ladava life force, energy becoming stronger, somehow that helps you sort of navigate all those ups and downs right. That come your way during the day. And it's a wonderful, wonderful sort of way to start the day. And like you, I don't read newspapers. I just don't want to look at news. As a matter of fact, avoid news, by and large. And like you said, it's always discussed anyway. Right
Khalid Hanif
@theElvnth_Our · 1:23
I thoroughly enjoyed your share, and I came away with quite a bit to think about, quite a bit that I must ponder in order to maybe kind of introduce some of these aspects into my own life. So for that I say thank you and yeah, you continued growth, ascension and peace and yeah. Be well. Bye
Ranganathan INBARAJ
@inba · 0:26
You. It's quite comfortable and peaceful. Listen to you. You are such a wonderful person. Proven to be really enjoying your life. I wish the same thing to sustain in the days to come. God bless too
